Friday, January 22, 2010

Brazilian Keratin "Smooth Hair" Treatment...

This past week we had hosted an amazing workshop. The stylists at Bath Hair learned all of the tricks and tips to a special "Brazilian Keratin" hair smoothing treatment. This class was taught by the rep. from the company Marcia Teixeira. This is the leading company for this innovative hair smoothing treatment.
Our hair model was one of our own stylist's who happens to have wonderful, but wild and frizzy hair. At the end of the workshop she stepped out of the chair looking absolutely fantastic.
It is a simple 2 hour process, and will last up to four months!
The process: We wash your hair with a special shampoo to prepare for the treatment. The product is applied gently to only a small section of hair at a time. When the hair is entirely coated we blow dry, then use a flat iron and again with very small sections of your hair we pull out the kinks and frizz, creating smooth and shiny hair that still has nice movement.
This is a magnificent product and we are looking forward to sharing it with you. If you are interested, have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call today. 207.443.2266

Click on arrow to view Slideshow.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beat The Winter Blues with Color...

Winter got you down? This is the perfect time of year to take a moment for yourself. Imagine a fresh look? Consider color.
Gray in the hair does make us look older, it is a fact. We can help you to do something about that. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3, snap! Rich up the brown in your hair or pop some fresh blonde highlights which will frame your face and make you look a bit sun kissed. The choice is yours in about 2 hours you could step out of our salon looking younger and happier. Give us a call today, we cannot wait to give you a whole new look and outlook on life! Call 207.443.2266 today to schedule an appointment.